Gospel of Jebus Crust
The Gospel According to Jebus Crust, the god of the fundamentalists, evangelicals, and all other narrow-minded bigots. He is the god of the Prosperity Gospel, whose followers mock the prophet's actual message. A blog devoted to the principles of Seneca the Younger: "Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful." Exposing theo-fascism in all its anti-democratic forms.
Favorite Dollar Store Jebus Pic

This is the Jesus Christ of the Jebus Crusters (Note: NOT Semitic)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Santorum Only Hears What He Wishes
Some LGBT websites are throwing kudos at Rick Santorum for his comments about gays serving in the military. I thought the compliments unwarranted. Agent provocateur Dan Savage had this guy pegged when he created a website in the politician's name and used Wikipedia to define it as the spent fluids of anal congressus diabolicus, the comingled tinctures of gay coitus per vas nefandum. Santorum's new-found "liberalism" in this area strikes me as phony in the extreme. For one thing, he conflated orientation with sexuality in general in his debate comments, pointing out that the military cracks down on fraternization (by which he means male-female) as it is. For another, he is an evangelical and their agenda includes erasing the line between church and state. The last time I read Leviticus and that misogynistic homophobe "Saint" Paul, I came away thinking that Santorum would put us all in Marcus Bachmann Rehab programs. You want to see crony capitalism? Wait till Santorum makes the Rev. John Hagee Secretary of Religion and Morality. Yes, people can change, but to judge from Santorum positions taken fairly recently, if ever there were a wolf in sheep's clothing on any issue involving same-sex people, Santorum is it.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Jasper, Texas Racist Killer To Die for Dragging African-American Man Behind Truck
Have you ever noticed how the most rabid supporters of the death penalty are Tea Partiers and evangelical Crusters? I don't care what the Jasper man did or to whom, I am against capital punishment. Capital punishment is cruel and unusual. It is also immoral and unethical. None of the reasons given by its apologists is valid. For example, it costs more to appeal than to keep the person in prison terminally (try a three- squares budget of about fifty cents a day), and in a majority of cases the killer will never do it again (usually, he knew the victim). We are the only civilized democracy that takes a life for taking a life. Only in mathematics -- and using imaginary numbers at that -- do two wrongs ever make a right.
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
The Cruster Plot to Mythologize Separation of Church and State: Comment on Origin of the Phrase
The phrase itself is, I believe, from a letter of Thomas Jefferson, my main man. The evangelical boobs and T Party types claim that this proves the phrase is not in any founding document, but just as the Supremes latched on to the concept of a legal umbrella in the First Amendment and found a right to abortion there as a result, the First Amendment by clear implication disallows any government involvement in religion and, I argue, vice-versa as well. But the trend is away from the umbrella and back at the mercy of the elements. When you stop to think that the same old Catholic justices form the "New Majority," you get skewed results. Do you really think Scalia leaves his faith at the door when he comes to work?
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Ugandan Homophobes For Michelle Bachmann
When the radical evangelical Christians began to push their phony Christianity on Africans a few years back, I thought, par for the course. Then the Ugandans actually had a bill in their parliament to mete out capital punishment for homosexuality. Uganda is 84% Christian and one-half Catholic. One of the websites I read daily had a story about evangelical-Ugandan contributions to Michelle Bachmann's Republican presidential campaign, including ties to a pastor who "was once imprisoned in Uganda for a supposed terrorism plot."
Duh! That is precisely the point. Evangelical Christianity is terrorism. The terrorism of brainwashing LGBT babies from birth to believe in a religion that despises sexual identity and gender difference. Like Nazis (they probably think Mengele was a hero), they sought to use this African nation to serve as an object lesson in Stone Age superstition and the ignorance of science. Terrorism in instilling in young gay males conflicting feelings and urges and exposing them to the co-conspiracy of schoolkid bullying. Terrorism in villainizing abortion doctors and using loony tunes men to buy guns and shoot to kill. Terrorism in trying to arrange the foregone conclusion they have reached that war in the Mideast will result in their nightmare fantasy, the Rapture.
It must have never occurred to them that some of us who don't believe in such superstitious nonsense think the world is moving ever closer toward self-destruction without the need of any meddling by people who have delusions of being taken up to heaven with Jesus (or was it Osiris, Tammuz, Attis, or even Apollonius of Tyana?). Wait, there is a plus to all this. When we freethinkers wind up in Hell, we will have breakfast with Einstein, lunch with George Carlin, cocktails with John Huston, and dinner with Voltaire.
Duh! That is precisely the point. Evangelical Christianity is terrorism. The terrorism of brainwashing LGBT babies from birth to believe in a religion that despises sexual identity and gender difference. Like Nazis (they probably think Mengele was a hero), they sought to use this African nation to serve as an object lesson in Stone Age superstition and the ignorance of science. Terrorism in instilling in young gay males conflicting feelings and urges and exposing them to the co-conspiracy of schoolkid bullying. Terrorism in villainizing abortion doctors and using loony tunes men to buy guns and shoot to kill. Terrorism in trying to arrange the foregone conclusion they have reached that war in the Mideast will result in their nightmare fantasy, the Rapture.
It must have never occurred to them that some of us who don't believe in such superstitious nonsense think the world is moving ever closer toward self-destruction without the need of any meddling by people who have delusions of being taken up to heaven with Jesus (or was it Osiris, Tammuz, Attis, or even Apollonius of Tyana?). Wait, there is a plus to all this. When we freethinkers wind up in Hell, we will have breakfast with Einstein, lunch with George Carlin, cocktails with John Huston, and dinner with Voltaire.
Monday, August 15, 2011
The late comedian and wit George Carlin, may Anti-God bless his soul!, mused during a routine about God's seeming arbitrariness. For example, he said, why is it that women have to cover their heads at the cathedral but are forbidden to wear head coverings at synagogue. He was probably hip to the Christian hypocrisy of going to church on Sunday, which even violates the Ten Commandments and admits simultaneously of the influence of paganism since the Roman name for Sunday is Die Solis, or Sun Day quite literally, the day sacred to Sol Invictus (a.k.a. Father Mithras), whose birthday the Constantinian Christians also "borrowed." Syncretism was the order of the times.
I got started on these musings while shopping at Sprouts, a kind of poor man's Whole Foods in one of our strip malls here. It is the kind of store where good produce is almost always to be had, in season, and where "health foods" are supplied, including various naturopathic tinctures and supplements and a wide variety of nuts, candies, pastas, rices, dry beans, and other bins. I bought fresh peaches, some whole wheat bagels, and a few other things and took them to the checkout counter. The checkouts in this store face each other and I glanced at a chocolate-skinned man with a brushy mustache in the aisle across from mine.
My God!, I thought (yes, I still use "His" name in vain, even though I do not believe in his existence anymore than I believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy). He has a yarmulka on his head. And he did, a prominently placed, forward of the spiral, crocheted yamulka. I had to look away immediately to keep from laughing. Being an atheist is hard work. We have to suppress laughter at the silly lengths to which gullible believer types go to show their devotion to a scientifically disproved, completely illogical entity who did it all in less than a week and created the guy in red tights with a pitchfork, a guy who can quick-change into a talking snake, just to bedevil us when we exercise our freedom of choice, also "God-given."
Unfortunately, I think this guy sussed me out. I think he almost smiled himself, and while it is entirely possible he was being neighborly, it is also possible he was thinking, Yes, I have a kippah on my head. So what? I didn't know much about the kippah actually until I read the Wiki entry. The Talmud demands covering our heads "in order that the fear of heaven may be upon you." I thought so: pure superstition. Pure dogma. It's the old bogey man routine. Create a straw man to fear and make the gullibles, the small heads believe they have to cover their heads or face damnation of one kind or another. In this way the rabbis can extract shekels. Everyone works at something. The rabbis are selling myth and superstition to earn their pay.
One famous rabbi is said to have gone no further than four cubits(about five feet) with nothing covering his head, "because the Divine Presence is always over my head." Yes, and I had some good shit last week, too. I tried some of that synthetic marijuana and I felt the Divine Presence as well, and I did not go out without covering my head. I am prone to skin cancer and must always go topped unless indoors. I have to hope God stops at my front door so he cannot see my naked head when I am inside, walking six feet or more this way or that. And while He is at it, could he explain why he doesn't make the evangelicals believe in climate change. It's getting hotter and I am more prone to skin cancer than ever. I mean, I sometimes worship Sol Invictus, but this is getting ridiculous.
I got started on these musings while shopping at Sprouts, a kind of poor man's Whole Foods in one of our strip malls here. It is the kind of store where good produce is almost always to be had, in season, and where "health foods" are supplied, including various naturopathic tinctures and supplements and a wide variety of nuts, candies, pastas, rices, dry beans, and other bins. I bought fresh peaches, some whole wheat bagels, and a few other things and took them to the checkout counter. The checkouts in this store face each other and I glanced at a chocolate-skinned man with a brushy mustache in the aisle across from mine.
My God!, I thought (yes, I still use "His" name in vain, even though I do not believe in his existence anymore than I believe in Santa, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy). He has a yarmulka on his head. And he did, a prominently placed, forward of the spiral, crocheted yamulka. I had to look away immediately to keep from laughing. Being an atheist is hard work. We have to suppress laughter at the silly lengths to which gullible believer types go to show their devotion to a scientifically disproved, completely illogical entity who did it all in less than a week and created the guy in red tights with a pitchfork, a guy who can quick-change into a talking snake, just to bedevil us when we exercise our freedom of choice, also "God-given."
Unfortunately, I think this guy sussed me out. I think he almost smiled himself, and while it is entirely possible he was being neighborly, it is also possible he was thinking, Yes, I have a kippah on my head. So what? I didn't know much about the kippah actually until I read the Wiki entry. The Talmud demands covering our heads "in order that the fear of heaven may be upon you." I thought so: pure superstition. Pure dogma. It's the old bogey man routine. Create a straw man to fear and make the gullibles, the small heads believe they have to cover their heads or face damnation of one kind or another. In this way the rabbis can extract shekels. Everyone works at something. The rabbis are selling myth and superstition to earn their pay.
One famous rabbi is said to have gone no further than four cubits(about five feet) with nothing covering his head, "because the Divine Presence is always over my head." Yes, and I had some good shit last week, too. I tried some of that synthetic marijuana and I felt the Divine Presence as well, and I did not go out without covering my head. I am prone to skin cancer and must always go topped unless indoors. I have to hope God stops at my front door so he cannot see my naked head when I am inside, walking six feet or more this way or that. And while He is at it, could he explain why he doesn't make the evangelicals believe in climate change. It's getting hotter and I am more prone to skin cancer than ever. I mean, I sometimes worship Sol Invictus, but this is getting ridiculous.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
Just as Ted Turner Said
Christianity is a religion for losers. Instead of taking responsibility for their actions, believers rely upon and feared their God. It seldom occurs to themselves that there are some things for which you just can't be forgiven. Yet Christians believe that there is NO sin God will not forgive. The same could even be said of the Jew. (Now there is a people born to feel guilty.) Would a Muslim say, Allah wills it? The common thread running through all the monotheisms is reliance on or submission to "God." But the passing of responsibility to an entity whose existence is supported by a complete absence of evidence and mounting proof to the contrary renders such people helpless to act from true will. They need big doses of the mottos of such organizations as the Cairo Mystery School, which taught that all scripture is shit: "Nothing is true; all is permitted," and even of the Theosophists, their founder Mme. Blavatsky stating quite correctly: "There is no religion higher than the truth."
Saturday, August 6, 2011
About Eric Cantor
jmmartin — 8/6/11 7:53am
I am trying my best to not sound like a racist s.o.b., and I do mean racist: Cantor has in common with the leaders of HAMAS and Hijballah a Semitic heritage: Judaism is a religion; one cannot be racist toward a religion, which is why I think application of "anti-Semitic" as applied to Jews alone is a fiction). All of the Mideastern religions have Abraham in common, too. All that said, I must ask, rhetorically, when in American history did Jews gravitate to the GOP? Cantor is so evil I have no trouble soever calling him a ****. A Yid, an M.O.T. Choose your racist epithet. If a person of any particular race misbehaves and acts to the detriment of the American people, he or she becomes worthy of the slurs. Those of us who are a little left of center (well, in my case, a lot) are just as prone as anyone to resort to such miscreant practices.
Nevertheless, as a minority, Jewish people in the U.S. tend to be Dems. This was true even when the Reverend Jesse Jackson referred to NYC as "hymietown." Jackson ran for president and had about as much chance of winning a single primary as Newtie, the born-again Catholic. I ask when Cantor became a symbol of Jewish abandonment of the Democratic Party because it would aid in understanding a society in which such a transition becomes possible. One is inclined to think it has something to do with the so-called Jewish lobby, with AIPAC. Smart lobbyists always oil the machines of both parties. At some point the perception arose that Democrats were not as protective and not as favorable toward Israel. I would have to believe, not knowing much more about him, that this drift led to the geek we now know as Eric Cantor. (And isn't that surname delightful? That adenoidal, sissy voice of his should have ended up singing parts of the Torah, not going on the stumps.)
As anyone reading this can surmise by now, I despise Rep. Cantor. I think someone should tie him down and perform foreskin restoration surgery on his penis; force feed him 25 pounds of pig guts; make him go to church on Sunday; make him grow his beard, and blindfold him, put him on a camel, and send him back in time about 5,000 years. Goodbye, Eric! Byeeeeeeee byeeeeeee.
I am trying my best to not sound like a racist s.o.b., and I do mean racist: Cantor has in common with the leaders of HAMAS and Hijballah a Semitic heritage: Judaism is a religion; one cannot be racist toward a religion, which is why I think application of "anti-Semitic" as applied to Jews alone is a fiction). All of the Mideastern religions have Abraham in common, too. All that said, I must ask, rhetorically, when in American history did Jews gravitate to the GOP? Cantor is so evil I have no trouble soever calling him a ****. A Yid, an M.O.T. Choose your racist epithet. If a person of any particular race misbehaves and acts to the detriment of the American people, he or she becomes worthy of the slurs. Those of us who are a little left of center (well, in my case, a lot) are just as prone as anyone to resort to such miscreant practices.
Nevertheless, as a minority, Jewish people in the U.S. tend to be Dems. This was true even when the Reverend Jesse Jackson referred to NYC as "hymietown." Jackson ran for president and had about as much chance of winning a single primary as Newtie, the born-again Catholic. I ask when Cantor became a symbol of Jewish abandonment of the Democratic Party because it would aid in understanding a society in which such a transition becomes possible. One is inclined to think it has something to do with the so-called Jewish lobby, with AIPAC. Smart lobbyists always oil the machines of both parties. At some point the perception arose that Democrats were not as protective and not as favorable toward Israel. I would have to believe, not knowing much more about him, that this drift led to the geek we now know as Eric Cantor. (And isn't that surname delightful? That adenoidal, sissy voice of his should have ended up singing parts of the Torah, not going on the stumps.)
As anyone reading this can surmise by now, I despise Rep. Cantor. I think someone should tie him down and perform foreskin restoration surgery on his penis; force feed him 25 pounds of pig guts; make him go to church on Sunday; make him grow his beard, and blindfold him, put him on a camel, and send him back in time about 5,000 years. Goodbye, Eric! Byeeeeeeee byeeeeeee.
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