Favorite Dollar Store Jebus Pic

Favorite Dollar Store Jebus Pic
This is the Jesus Christ of the Jebus Crusters (Note: NOT Semitic)

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Santorum Only Hears What He Wishes

Some LGBT websites are throwing kudos at Rick Santorum for his comments about gays serving in the military. I thought the compliments unwarranted. Agent provocateur Dan Savage had this guy pegged when he created a website in the politician's name and used Wikipedia to define it as the spent fluids of anal congressus diabolicus, the comingled tinctures of gay coitus per vas nefandum. Santorum's new-found "liberalism" in this area strikes me as phony in the extreme. For one thing, he conflated orientation with sexuality in general in his debate comments, pointing out that the military cracks down on fraternization (by which he means male-female) as it is. For another, he is an evangelical and their agenda includes erasing the line between church and state. The last time I read Leviticus and that misogynistic homophobe "Saint" Paul, I came away thinking that Santorum would put us all in Marcus Bachmann Rehab programs. You want to see crony capitalism? Wait till Santorum makes the Rev. John Hagee Secretary of Religion and Morality. Yes, people can change, but to judge from Santorum positions taken fairly recently, if ever there were a wolf in sheep's clothing on any issue involving same-sex people, Santorum is it.

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